SJK(T) Ladang Lanadron

Location Panchor Muar , Johor
Category Primary School
Completion August 2018
Donation RM85,000
No of students 70 (2018 intake)

Prior to 1973, there were 4 SJKT schools (SJKT Ladang Lanadron, SJKT Ladang Palaniappa, SJKT Ladang Pengkalan Bukit, SJKT Ladang Craigielia) located in Panchor, Pagoh and Bukit Pasir. Due to low student enrolment, these 5 schools were amalgamated to 1 school, SJKT Ladang Lanadron.

Presently, SJKT Ladang Lanadron (HQ) located in Panchor has 40 students and the branch located in Pagoh has 30 students. With TCC’s funding assistance, 3 sets of multimedia education system were installed in Standard 3, 4 and 6 classrooms in HQ and 2 sets were installed in Standard 5 classroom and ICT room at the branch (Palaniappa).

Each set consist of 55” LG 4K panel with features such as multi-touch, anti-glare and built-in Android O/S, LAN / Wifi connection, digital visualizer (wall mount type) and 12 feet sliding white board.